Millennials, Mortgages, and Money

Millennials, Mortgages, and Money

The word Millennial honestly makes my skin crawl. When someone older than 41 years old says it in a sentence, it’s almost always riddled with distaste and usually an exasperated sigh at the end of it (cue eye roll). I’ve sat in meetings where I am introduced as “The Millennial” like it’s my new title that also says everything you need to know about me. If that’s correct, I only accept handouts, I’m entitled, only care about myself, incredibly lazy (due to all those handouts!) and usually have my phone in my face.

The only thing I’d agree with is I do always have my phone in my face. Last night I was working on my iPad while texting on my phone and watching Netflix all at the same time – who says I can’t multitask?!

Being a recruiter, I’ve interviewed, met, and networked with a lot of my own kind. One thing I’ve seen is true; millennials have no idea how much they should be getting paid. You’ve likely read my bio; when I first graduated, I thought I’d start out at $60K a year but in reality, I started at just above minimum wage. It was a slap in the face! I just graduated from a University with $90K in student loans. HOW DARE YOU PAY ME WHAT I’M WORTH!

You read that right; I was worth what they paid me. The only job I found was a front receptionist. I made $12/hour to answer phone calls, book appointments, and hope to God I didn’t screw up our Staples order. I didn’t need my degree to do so, but it was a foot in the door (the wrong door, but a door nonetheless.) This job did not pay me what I originally wanted, but it was great experience that propelled me in the right direction.

Each job I took, I made a little more (Ah, now I see why people think millennials job hop a lot…because we do…and it’s okay!) Actually, it’s statistically proven that it’s easier to find a new job to make more money than getting a big enough promotion at your current employer that would equal the new pay rate you’d get at a new company.

If I could give any advice – be smart and realistic on how much money you should be making. Do your research of area companies and what they hire for. Look up your local average salary of the position you want. Think to yourself “is this position a possibility?” If it’s not, figure out what position can propel you into that original career idea you had. Be smart; don’t indulge people’s ideas of millennials that we all think we should be making $100K right off the bat just because we know how to minimize tabs and make a pivot table in excel. Show them why you’re worth what you’re asking for; make them realize you deserve what you’re asking for, but make sure you have the experience you need to deserve that pay.

Millennials are the future. We are technologically savvy, very aware, politically enraged, and ready to become the change that Rochester needs and wants. Do me a favor, when someone calls you a millennial, thank them then promptly show them how their opinion is so wrong. 


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